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Card Effects

Mediaboard Card Animation and Behaviour

Card effects and animations are very useful features to bring attention to your board or to lend your presentation even more visual impact. You can apply effects such as shuffle, fade in/out, pulse, touch sound, or background sound and much more to a board using card codes.


Card Effect


allOFFHide Everything
Hides the card title, description and info field for a group of cards.
allONStops allOFF FREE + PRO
From this card forward the card title, description and info field reappear.
Bold Font
Card titles and description appear in bold font.
boldOFFStops boldFREE + PRO
From this card forward the standard font weight applies for the title and description.
bsoundBackground Sound*PRO
To play a background sound for a category infinitely at 100% board volume. (footnote 1)
capsCapitalise Card Titles
Displays card titles in the upper case for a group of cards.
Stops capsFREE + PRO
Front this card forward upper case is removed from the card titles.
cfontCustom Font Single*PRO
Applies a custom font for a single card. (footnote 2 and 3)
cfontsCustom Font Multi*
Applies a custom font for a group of cards. (footnote 2 and 3)
cfontsOFFStops cfontsPRO
From this card forward, custom font is no longer applied and the default font is displayed.
countShow Card Numbers*
Cards display with a large centred number (like a calendar) instead of the card initials. (footnote 4)
countOFFStops countFREE + PRO
From this card forward showing the card count is disabled.
cropCrop Preview Image
Trims the preview image for a single card at the edges with the specified value in pixels.
cropsCrop Preview Image
Trims the preview image for a group of cards at the edges with the specified value in pixels.
cropsOFFStops cropsFREE + PRO
From this card forward, the preview images appear in their normal size.
ctrlYESMediaboard Controller On*FREE + PRO
Activates the Mediaboard controller for a single card. (footnote 5)
ctrlNOMediaboard Controller Off*FREE + PRO
Prevents starting the Mediaboard controller for this card only, if the Mediaboard controller is activated for the whole board. (footnote 5)
dateDate Locked Card
Card is locked until a specific date and can be opened from that date. (footnote 6)
Creates a fade in/out effect on the card preview images. (footnote 7)
Fallback Audio PlayPRO
If a touch sound audio file is not played, Mediaboard tries to play the sound externally in the background.
Fit Preview Image SinglePRO
Fits the preview image as optimally as possible for a single card. Recommended for Spread Mode and cards with PNG images that contain transparencies.
fitsFit Preview Image MultiPRO
Fits the preview image as optimally as possible for a group of cards. Recommended for Spread Mode and cards with PNG images that contain transparencies.
Stops fitsPRO
From this card forward the preview images will be displayed in their standard size.
Custom Font Size SingleFREE + PRO
Applies custom font size for a single card.
Custom Font Size Multi
Applies custom font size for a group of cards.
fsizesOFFStops fsizesFREE + PRO
From this card forward custom font sizing ends.
galleryGenerate Image GalleryFREE + PRO
Generates an HTML image gallery for an image folder or images located in an assets folder. The gallery is started automatically in the standard browser and can be operated via mouse, keyboard or touch.
heavyHeavy Font
Card titles and description appear very bold.
heavyOFFStops heavyFREE + PRO
From this card forward the standard font weight applies for the title and description.
iniboldCard Initials Bold
Card initials appear in bold font
iniboldOFFStops iniboldFREE + PRO
From this card forward the standard font weight applies for the initials.
inicapsCard Initials CapitalsFREE + PRO
The card initials appear in capitals.
incapsOFFStops inicapsFREE + PRO
From this point on the card initals appear in default format.
inicolorCard Initials Colour*
The card initials adopt the same colour as the title font (footnote 7).
inicolorOFFStops inicolorFREE + PRO
From this point on card initial colours return to calculated colour.
iniforceForce Initials for Classic and Poster Modes*
Normally initials are not displayed when a preview image is set. iniforce ensures that the initials are always displayed (footnote 4).
iniforceOFF Stops iniforceFREE + PRO
From this card forward the initials are no longer forced to appear.
iniforcecForce Initials in Classic Mode only. FREE + PRO
Normally initials are not displayed when a preview image is set. iniforcec ensures that the initials are always displayed in Classic Mode.
iniforcecOFFStops iniforcecFREE + PRO
From this card forward the initials
are no longer forced to appear in Classic Mode.
iniforcepForce Initials in Poster Mode only.FREE + PRO
Normally initials are not displayed when a preview image is set. iniforcep ensures that the initials are always displayed in Poster Mode.
iniforcepOFFStops iniforcepFREE + PRO
From this card forward the initials
are no longer forced to appear in Poster Mode.
iniheavyCard Initials Heavy
Card Initials appear very bold.
iniheavyOFFStops iniheavyFREE + PRO
From this card forward the standard font weight applies for the initials.
italicItalic Font
Card titles appear in italics.
italicOFFStops italicFREE + PRO
From this card forward the standard font type applies for the title and description.
mpcOpen URL in Media Player ClassicFREE + PRO
Any weblink will be forced to be opened with Media Player Classic to try to stream the content.
openAuto-Open CardPRO
Automatically opens a card at a specific date and time. (footnote 9)
outCard Outline Single*PRO
Draws a card outline in the given colour for a single card. (footnote 10)
outsCard Outline Multi*
Draws a card outline in the given colour for a group of cards. (footnote 10)
outsOFFStops Card OutlinePRO
From this card forward no card outline is displayed.
pageOpen Specific PagePRO
Opens page of PDF at the given page. E.g. page25 opens at page 25.
popupPop-Up Image SingleFREE + PRO
Card image opens in a pop-up window, that is draggable and stackable. The image can be enlarged to full screen, opened in an external viewer, printed out and e-mailed.
popupsPop-Up Images Multi
Card images open in a pop-up window, that is draggable and stackable. The imaged can be enlarged to full screen, opened in an external viewer, printed out and e-mailed.
popupsOFFStops popupsFREE + PRO
Card images open in the normal image viewer.
Creates a random pulse effect on the card preview images. (footnote 11)
Rotate Preview ImagePRO
Rotates preview image clockwise or anticlockwise. (footnote 12)
rotsRotate Preview ImagesPRO
Rotates preview images clockwise or anticlockwise.(footnote 12)
rotsOFFStops rotsPRO
From this card forward, the preview images are displayed in the standard position.
Start/Stop Playback Position*PRO
Play audio and video files from a given position. (footnote 13)
thumbOFFHide Preview Image SingleFREE + PRO
Hides the preview image for a single card.
thumbsOFFHide Preview Images Multi
Hides the preview images for a group of cards. Images appear on mouseover.
Stops thumbsOFFFREE + PRO
From this card forward preview images reappear.
Hide Card Title SingleFREE + PRO
Hides the card title for a single card.
titlesOFFHide Card Titles Multi
Hides the card titles for a group of cards.
titlesONStops titlesOFFFREE + PRO
From this card forward card titles reappear.
transPreview Image Transparency*
Individual transparency for preview images. Applies to card type Poster only. (footnote 14)
transOFFStops transFREE + PRO
From this card forward the original set transparency applies.
tsoundTouch Sound SingleFREE + PRO
Plays a sound file on touching a single card without opening a player. Touching the card again pauses or resumes a sound.
tsoundsTouch Sounds MultiFREE + PRO
Touch Sound for a group of cards so that you do not have to enter tsound for every card.
tsoundsOFFStops tsoundsFREE + PRO
From this card forward touch sound is turned off.
videoxlFull Size VideoPRO
A YouTube or Vimeo video opens in its maximum window size (not full screen).(footnote 15)
vlcYESVLC Player On*PRO
Activates the VLC player for a single card (footnote 16).
vlcNOVLC Player Off*PRO
Excludes a single card from using the VLC player when it is activated for the whole board (footnote 16).
xdateCard Remains Opened
Once a date locked card is opened on the given date it will remain transparent, which means opened.
Download or Print Card Codes PDF

How To Effectively Use Card Codes

Card Display and Animation Effects

To apply an effect or behavior to a card, enter appropriate card codes into the upper green entry field of the card edit box. 

Card Group Definition

A card group is a consecutive number of cards for which an effect or behavior has been assigned by a group card code. The group starts with the card where the starting card code is entered. The group ends with the card where the stopping card code is entered.

General Rules for Card Codes

  • A single card code generates the corresponding effect only for the card for which the code was entered.
  • A single card code (within the group) is always above a group card code and generates an exception to an effect applied to a card group.
  • A group card code generates the corresponding effect from the card into which the start code is entered to the card into which the stop code is entered.
  • Card codes can be combined as desired. There is no order that needs to be adhered to.
  • The effect is only visible or only generated if the card code has been entered in the specified format and is also supported by the card or file.

Card Animation Effects

E.g. fade, pulse

  • Animation effects are performed only when there are at least 3 cards in a category.
  • Animation effects are paused while in Edit Mode or Sort Mode.
  • Animation effects are paused when a background video is playing.

Card Code Examples

How to use the Hide Multiple Preview Images effect for a group of cards.

Suppose 25 cards are displayed :

  1. Card number 1 contains the group card code thumbsOFF (start).
    Starting with card 1, the preview images for the following cards 2,3 … are not displayed. This applies up to the last card No. 25 or until the stop code was found.
  2. Card number 10 contains the group card code thumbsON (stop).
    From card 10, the thumbnails for the following cards 11,12 … are displayed again. This applies until the last card No. 25 or until a start code has been found again.

How to use the Hide Single Preview Image effect within a group of cards.

Suppose you want to show two pictures inside the card group where the thumbnails are hidden (here card 1 to card 10). 

  1. Card 3 and Card 6 should show their thumbnails:
  2. Enter the code thumbON (single card code without s) in card 3 and card 6.
  3. This creates an exception to the group card code.


  1. bsound: You can set the number of repeats and volume by adding the values to the card code separated by a slash. E.g. bsound5/50 means to play a background sound repeated 5 times at 50% of the volume.
  2. cfontsxx:  E.g. cfontsArial or cfontsArial-Black. Spaces in font names must be replaced by a hyphen. The font must be available on the system where Mediaboard runs.
  3. If you are unsure that the custom font is available you can deliver the font using a card by attaching the font file from the Windows fonts folder, which can then be installed on the target system.
  4. countiniforce:  All card codes for initials will not make card initials automatically visible. This means when you want to apply card codes to initials you must combine them with iniforce.  e.g. count will not work as a standalone code when preview images are displayed. Use count and inforce to display initials and preview images.
  5. ctrlYES: With this card code you can exclusively activate the controller for a card, where you want to close the video or PDF quickly from the Mediaboard screen e.g. if you have a dual screen setup or on a touch screen where you do not use the mouse. By default, the Mediaboard controller (quickly exit a video or PDF on a touch screen) is not active.
    ctrlNO: The Mediaboard controller is activated for the category via the Quick Controls.
  6. datexx/xx/xx: e.g. date25/12/18, this card is locked until Christmas Day.
  7. fadex/x/x:
    • First x is the delay between the animations
    • Second x is the animation speed
    • Third x is the transparency
    • E.g. fade1/0.5/50 This will give a fade animation that has a delay of 1 second until the next card animation, the fade in is ½ second and the fade out is ½ second and the image will be faded from its original to the given transparency and back.
    • The animation effect duration must be half or less than half of the delay to give it time to execute the animation fully.
  8. inicolor: We recommend using this code whenever you have busy or mixed colours on pictures to help the initials standout more.
  9. open:If no time is specified, the card opens at 00:00 am.
  10. outx/x: E.g. out5/#ff0000 generates a card outline of 5 pixel in red. If no values ​​are specified, a 3 pixel outline is generated in white.
    outx/x/p: E.g. out5/#ff0000/p generates a card outline of 5 pixel in red for card type poster only. (If no values ​​are specified, a 3 pixel outline is generated in white).
    E.g. out5/#ff0000/c generates a card outline of 5 pixel in red for card type classic only. (If no values ​​are specified, a 3 pixel outline is generated in white).
  11. pulsex/x/x:
    • First x is the delay between the animations
    • Second x is the animation speed
    • Third x is the image enlargement size
    • E.g. pulse1/0.5/1.5. This will give a pulse animation that has a delay of 1 second until the next card animation, the pulse speed is half a second long, the preview image will be enlarged by 1.5 times of its original size.
    • The animation effect duration must be half or less than half of the delay to give it time to execute the animation fully.
  12. rotxx: E.g. rot10 = rotate a single preview image by 10% clockwise.
  13. startxx/xx/xx: E.g. start00/01/16 – The video starts at 1 minute and 16 seconds.
    stopxx/xx/xx: E.g. stop00/02/16 – The video is stopped at 2 minutes and 16 seconds. This corresponds to the playing time of one minute. *stopxx/xx/xx available only in connection with the VLC player.
  14. transxx: xx can be any other value between 0 (fully visible) and 100 (invisible). Applies to the card type Poster. Overrides the general card transparency settings. E.g. trans50 is equal to 50% transparency of the preview image.
  15. videoxl: YouTube may not allow playback in this view for advertising reasons.
  16. vlcYES: When the card is opened, the card attachment will be opened with the VLC player.
    vlcNO: The VLC player is activated for the category via the Quick Controls.

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