Content Package (46 MB) – Ancient History//(Ancient World)


A free collection of digital resources about the Ancient World.


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Ancient History (Ancient World) – 85 cards, 46 MB

001. Ancheulean Industry (Website)

002. Abbevillian Industry (Website)

003. Andean Cultures (Website)

004. Ancient Greek (Website)

005. Ancient Iran (Website)

006. Archaic Culture (Website)

007. Aurignacian Culture (Website)

008. Assyria (Website)

009. Chavín (Website)

010. Dawenkou Culture (Website)

011. Aegean Civilizations (Website)

012. Amratian Culture (Website)

013. Ancestral Pueblo Culture (Website)

014. Desert Cultures (Website)

015. Ancient Italic People (Website)

016. Ancient Rome (Website)

017. Azilian Industry (Website)

018. Choukoutienian Industry (Website)

019. Jomon Culture (Website)

020. Banpo Culture (Website)

021. Aterian Industry (Website)

022. Badarian Culture (Website)

023. Big-Game Hunt (Website)

024. Boian Culture (Website)

025. Carthage (Website)

026. Ancient Middle East (Website)

027. Chellean Industry (Website)

028. Dorset Culture (Website)

029. El Argar (Website)

030. Erlitou Culture (Website)

031. Ertebølle Industry (Website)

032. Fauresmith ndustry (Website)

033. Gerzean Culture (Website)

034. Ghassulian Culture (Website)

035. Hohokam Culture (Website)

036. Hongshan Culture (Website)

037. Capsian Industry (Website)

038. Clactonian Industry (Website)

039. Dong Son Culture (Website)

040. Ibero-Maurusian Industry (Website)

041. Inugsuk Culture (Website)

042. Indus Civilization (Website)

043. Ipiutak Culture (Website)

044. Kachemak Culture (Website)

045. Kurgan Culture (Website)

046. Lapita Culture (Website)

047. LBK Culture (Website)

048. Longshan Culture (Website)

049. Lupemban Industry (Website)

050. Magdalenian Culture (Website)

051. Maglemosian Industry (Website)

052. Magosian Industry (Website)

053. Mesopotamia (Website)

054. Minoan Civilization (Website)

055. Mississippian Culture (Website)

056. Moche (Website)

057. Mogollon Culture (Website)

058. Mousterian Industry (Website)

059. Mycenaean Civilization (Website)

060. Nachikufan Industry (Website)

061. Natufian Culture (Website)

062. Nazca (Website)

063. Nok Culture (Website)

064. Old Cordilleran Culture (Website)

065. Oldowan Industry (Website)

066. Osteodontokeratic tools (Website)

067. Paracas (Website)

068. Perigordian industry (Website)

069. Phoenicia (Website)

070. pre-Columbian civilisn. (Website)

071. Qijia culture (Website)

072. Recuay (Website)

073. Sangoan indust (Website)

074. Solutrean industry (Website)

075. Stillbay industry (Website)

076. Tasian culture (Website)

077. Tayacian industry (Website)

078. Teotihuacán civilization (Website)

079. Thule Culture (Website)

080. Trypilla Culture (Website)

081. Urnfield Culture (Website)

082. Villanovan Culture (Website)

083. Woodland Cultures (Website)

084. Yangshao Culture (Website)

085. Yayoi Culture (Website)

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  3. Click “Import” to start the import.