Content Package (107 MB) – Ancient History//(Rome)


A free collection of digital resources about Rome in Ancient History.


Ancient History (Rome) – 16 cards, 107 MB

Package Index

001. 753 BC ROME FOUNDED (Website)
Rome founded by Romulus.

Goodbye King, Hello Senator.

003. 218 BC HANNIBAL INVADES (Website)
Hannibal leads the Carthage army to attack Italy.

Escaped and led an army of runaway slaves, defeating Roman attacks.

Defeats Pompey to become first dictator.

006. 44 BC ASSASSINATION (Website)
Caesar killed by Marcus Brutus in the hope to bring back the republic.

007. 27 BC EMPIRE BEGINS (Webvideo)
Augustus first emperor.

008. 64 AD ROME ON FIRE (Website)
Nero sets fire to Rome and blames the Christians.

009. 80 AD COLOSSEUM (Website)
Celebrated with 100 days of games.

010. 122 AD HADRIAN’S WALL (Webvideo)
Spanning across northern England to keep out the barbarians.

011. 306 AD CONSTANTINE (Website)
Rome becomes a Christian empire.

012. 380 AD CHRISTIANITY (Website)
Theodosius I proclaims Christianity as sole religion of the Roman Empire.

013. 410 AD VISGOTHS (Website)
Sacking of Rome. First time Rome falls to an enemy.

014. 395 AD EMPIRE SPLIT (Website)
Western Roman Empire and Eastern Roman Empire.

015. 476 AD FALL OF THE WEST (Website)
Defeated by German Goth, Odoacer.

016. 1453 AD FALL OF THE EAST (Website)
Byzantine Empire falls to the Ottomans.

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